تقول دراسة جديدة أن شرب القهوة يجعل الحيوانات المنوية تسبح أسرع، مما يمكن أن تحسن خصوبة الرجل.
وقد أعلن ذلك علماء برازيليون في مؤتمر يعقد في سان أنطونيو بتكساس في الولايات المتحدة ويبحث في تأثير العقاقير على خصوبة الرجل.
وأكد هؤلاء الباحثين أن تناول القهوة له نتائج أبعد من مجرد التنبيه، حيث يمكن أن تؤدي فناجين قليلة إلى تنشيط الحيوانات المنوية.
وتقول الدراسة، التي أجراها هؤلاء العلماء من جامعة ساوباولو، أن القهوة تؤدي إلى حركية الحيوانات المنوية وبالتالي تحسن فرص الحمل.
كما أشارت نفس الدراسة إلى أن التبغ ليس له تأثير على نوعية الحيوانات المنوية لكنه يؤثر سلبا على الانتصاب.
وتقول الدراسات أن تدخين الماريجويانا يؤثر سلبا على الحيوانات المنوية ويقلص الإخصاب.
ووجد الباحثون بجامعة بافالو أن المدخن المنتظم للماريجوانا يقل لديه السائل المنوي بشكل ملحوظ، كما أن أعداد الحيوانات المنوية لديه أقل
وقد أعلن ذلك علماء برازيليون في مؤتمر يعقد في سان أنطونيو بتكساس في الولايات المتحدة ويبحث في تأثير العقاقير على خصوبة الرجل.
وأكد هؤلاء الباحثين أن تناول القهوة له نتائج أبعد من مجرد التنبيه، حيث يمكن أن تؤدي فناجين قليلة إلى تنشيط الحيوانات المنوية.
وتقول الدراسة، التي أجراها هؤلاء العلماء من جامعة ساوباولو، أن القهوة تؤدي إلى حركية الحيوانات المنوية وبالتالي تحسن فرص الحمل.
كما أشارت نفس الدراسة إلى أن التبغ ليس له تأثير على نوعية الحيوانات المنوية لكنه يؤثر سلبا على الانتصاب.
وتقول الدراسات أن تدخين الماريجويانا يؤثر سلبا على الحيوانات المنوية ويقلص الإخصاب.
ووجد الباحثون بجامعة بافالو أن المدخن المنتظم للماريجوانا يقل لديه السائل المنوي بشكل ملحوظ، كما أن أعداد الحيوانات المنوية لديه أقل
A daily cup of coffee could hold secret to long life
- By Jenny Hope
Last updated at 5:02 PM on 31st August 2010
A unique investigation into what helps people live to be 100 shows even those with high blood pressure are healthier after a daily cup of coffee.
New findings from a study released today found coffee helps improve the elasticity of the arteries, keeping them younger, which can ward off heart disease.
The population suffers 20 per cent less cancer and half the rate of heart disease of other western countries, and there is virtually no dementia.
There are 10 per cent more 90-year-old brothers and sisters living there than the European average.
The island has been a destination for health tourists since the 6th century BC, when ancient Greeks and Romans made the pilgrimage to
Modern-day experts claim the heart-protective Mediterranean diet, supplemented with locally produced honey and herbal teas, also play a part.
Now regular coffee drinking has been investigated by researchers from the
They looked at 485 people aged between 65 and 100, all of them long-term residents of
By increasing the load on the heart, hypertension results in stiffness of the arteries and reduced elasticity which in turn increases the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.
Dr Christina Chrysohoou, who led the study, said there was conflicting evidence about the effect of coffee drinking on heart health, with some studies showing it aggravated high blood pressure.
But drinking coffee is a deeply embedded social tradition within Greek culture which made it imperative to investigate in this island with ‘high life expectancy’, she said.
All those taking part in the study had average blood pressure levels that were rated as high.
Their arteries were assessed for distensibility - or elasticity - using calculations that measure the range between heart beats.
The results showed 56 per cent were moderate drinkers consuming between one and two cups of coffee a day.
They had the best arterial health, with their arteries behaving more like those found in younger people.
Their arteries were more elastic than those measured in one-third of people who drank little or no coffee.
Around one in 10 drinking three or more cups a day had the worst levels of elasticity.
The findings were released yesterday (tues) at the European Society of Cardiology congress in
Dr Chrysohoou said moderate coffee drinkers were consuming between 25-50ml of coffee a day.
Typically they were drinking strong Greek coffee but other types of coffee might work as well, she said.
However, single shots of Espresso would not be too small, she added.
Dr Chrysohoou suggested that ingredients such as caffeine and antioxidants may be partly improving arterial function by increasing their ability to take up nitric oxide, which is impaired in hypertensive patients. But drinking too much coffee would probably cancel out the effect, she added.
‘There was no evidence that increasing coffee consumption to three to five cups a day would lead to further improvements in aortic distensibility’ she said.
One of the critical findings of the study was that moderate coffee drinkers took their time to relax and enjoy it, she said.
‘They were socialising, with friends in cafeterias or with family at home, relaxing and discussing daily matters. It’s done in good spirit which is psychologically important’ she added.
Dr Euan Paul, executive director of the British Coffee Association, said ‘These new study findings from the University of Athens highlight that moderate coffee consumption is associated with improved elasticity of the arteries amongst those that drink coffee compared with those that drink less coffee.
‘This is important as it indicates that coffee consumption may reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and future cardiovascular events by improving aortic distensibility.
‘Coffee is one of the most heavily researched products in the world today, this study adds to the weight of scientific evidence which shows that moderate coffee consumption of around 4 - 5 cups per day, is safe and may even confer some health benefits.’
He pointed out that pregnant women are advised to reduce caffeine intake during pregnancy to 2 - 3 cups per day. This includes caffeine intake from tea, coffee, cola, and chocolate.
Dr Jeremy Pearson, deputy medical director of the British Heart Foundation, said ‘Living the Greek lifestyle and eating the Greek diet is certainly good for you, as long as you don’t smoke the Greek cigarettes.’
But he was sceptical that ‘your average flustered executive’ can take up coffee drinking as a way of improving heart health
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